The RMRA Repeater System
The heart of the RMRA are repeaters. We currently operate 11 repeaters in north central Wisconsin. All of our repeaters are open to all amateur radio operators to use. With a central location in Wausau on Rib Mountain, down south in Coloma, and to the west in the near Unity; you are always in range of a RMRA repeater when traveling through Central Wisconsin. You will find standard analog repeaters, one with IRLP; along with digital repeaters like our System Fusion and D-Star.
RMRA Coverage Map

Rib Mountain
PL 114.8
Our flagship repeater. Outstanding coverage. Not uncommon to get into the repeater with an HT just outside the county. During band openings we often hear stations as far north as the UP and west into Minnesota.
This repeater is linked up full time to the Brighton and Coloma repeaters.
AllStar Link - Analog
PL 114.8 - AllStar Node Number 61848
This repeater has outstanding coverage. New in August of 2024, AllStar Link is available to anyone. During severe weather, AllStar will be linked up to NWS Green Bay specifically for our net control operators to pass reports. If you are connecting to nodes with AllStar, it is good amateur practice to disconnect the node when you are finished. You can use the button below to check the status of the link.
*3(node number) to connect
*1(node number) to disconnect
System Fusion - Digital/Analog
DG-ID 02
Analog PL 88.5
Yaesu System Fusion C4FM with WiresX. Open to all. You will often hear America Link through WiresX. This is a combination Digital and Analog repeater. Any transceiver has the ability to use this repeater in its respective mode.
DMR - Digital
Color Code 5
New in July of 2024.
TS1 is open for users to connect to any TG of there choice, but please don’t forget to disconnect when finished.
TS2 is statically connected static on “Wisconsin TG3155” as well as Scheduled nets.
Access is open to all licensed amateur radio operators with a valid DMR ID. Please set your Color Code to CC5.
D-Star - Digital Voice/Data
All digital D-Star with Gateway access. Connect to any reflector port or any repeater. DPRS is active and will pass any location to the APRS network.
D-Star - Digital Voice/Data
All digital D-Star with Gateway access. Connect to any reflector port or any repeater. DPRS is active and will pass any location to the APRS network. This repeater is often connected to Refector 19 B. This is the reflector that most other D-Star repeaters are connected to around the state. You may disconnect and connect to anything you would like on this repeater. It will eventually reconnect to 19 B on it’s own.
D-Star - Digital Voice/Data
All digital D-Star with Gateway access. Connect to any reflector port or any repeater. DPRS is active and will pass any location to the APRS network.
D-Star - Digital High Speed Data
High Speed data up to 128 Kbps. Use this repeater for data transfers to the gateway. Connect your computer to your radio to start sending data.
Analog PL 114.8
6 Meter Repeater.
Input frequency – 51.750 MHz
PL 123.0
This repeater is strategically located to provide coverage when traveling between Madison and Wausau on Interstate 39. The tower is 500 feet tall with our antenna being dual banded and side mounted below the top.
This repeater is linked up full time to the Rib Mountain and Brighton repeaters.
PL 123.0
This repeater is strategically located to provide coverage when traveling between Madison and Wausau on Interstate 39. The tower is 500 feet tall with our antenna being dual banded and side mounted below the top.
PL 114.8
Named the Brighton repeater, it is located near Unity, WI, near the corner of highway F and Kington Road. The antenna is located side mounted on the west leg near the top of this 500 foot tower. This repeater has fantastic coverage to the west and can reach out to Chippewa Falls or more.
This repeater is linked up full time to the Rib Mountain and Coloma repeaters.